325Ti Cyclocross

Rikulau 所用的每支3Al-2.5V 鈦合金管都經過抽管、成形、精密切割以及熱處理應力釋放。世界級的加工品質才得以讓雲豹的鈦合金車架與眾不同。
Every 3Al-2.5V titanium tube Rikulau uses is butted, shaped, precision cut, and then, heat treated to release stress to ensure a perfect frame quality. The combined processes make Rikulau frames differently.
Monostay的後上叉以及直通軸和Flat mount碟剎系統則發揮錦上添花的效用。這台車不一定能幫你拿到冠軍,但是,騎上它保證能讓你不願下馬!
Moreover, Monostay, through axle and flat mount brake system design adds the icing on the cake. This bike may not put you on a podium, but, it definitely is a fun bike you don’t feel like getting off.

※ Note: All measurements in millimeter (mm) except angle (degrees) and weight (grams)
Tubing: Rikulau 3Al-2.5V seamless titanium tubeset; heat treated for stress release
Top Tube:31.8 mm(oval)
Seat Tube:31.8 mm(round)
Down Tube:44 mm (square)
Seat Stay:16 mm
Chain Stay:22.2 mm
Shifting: electronic/mechanical shifting system
Brake system: disc brake
Brake mount: left chainstay; flat mount
BB: T-47 bottom bracket
Headset: integrated
Seat post: 27.2 mm OD
Wheel locking: through axel 12 mm
Scotch brite surface
Carbon fiber
400 mm length; rake = 45 mm
Wheel locking: through axel 12 mm
Flat mount system
※ Note: Rikulau reserves the right to replace components with those of equal or higher value.