ili ili 325Ti

Rikulau 所用的每支3Al-2.5V 鈦合金管都經過抽管、成形、精密切割以及熱處理應力釋放。世界級的加工品質才得以讓雲豹的鈦合金車架與眾不同。
Every 3Al-2.5V titanium tube Rikulau uses is butted, shaped, precision cut, and then, heat treated to release stress to ensure a perfect frame quality. The combined processes make Rikulau frames differently.
雲豹ili ili32鈦合金縱橫車充分利用鈦合金材料本身的彈性以及加大管徑的剛性,成就質輕而且具有扎實路感的特質。
Ili ili 32-titanium gravel bike fully utilizes the elasticity of titanium alloy and increased tube diameter, resulting in a lightweight yet solid and responsive ride.

※ Note: All measurements in millimeter (mm) except angle (degrees) and weight (grams)
Tubing: Rikulau 3Al-2.5V seamless titanium tubeset; heat treated for stress release
Top Tube:31.8 mm
Seat Tube:31.8 mm
Down Tube:44 mm
Seat Stay:16 mm
Chain Stay:25.4 mm
BB: T-47 bottom bracket
Brake system: disc brake
Brake mount: left chainstay; flat mount
Headset: integrated
Seat post: 27.2 mm OD
Wheel locking: through axel 12 mm
Tyre size:700*45C
Carbon fiber
397 mm length; rake = 50 mm
Wheel locking: through axel 12 mm
Flat mount system
※ Note: Rikulau reserves the right to replace components with those of equal or higher value.