audax 325Ti /Disc

※ Audax 系列無法選擇塗裝 / Audax series can't choose graphics.
Rikulau 所用的每支3Al-2.5V 鈦合金管都經過抽管、成形、精密切割以及熱處理應力釋放。世界級的加工品質才得以讓雲豹的鈦合金車架與眾不同。
Every 3Al-2.5V titanium tube Rikulau uses is butted, shaped, precision cut,
and then, heat treated to release stress to ensure a perfect frame quality. The combined processes make Rikulau frames different.
AudaxTi325 的管材品質與處理方式與雲豹最高階的Master 系列相同,但是,少了CNC雕刻和液壓成型等外觀的設計。因此,這是個非常實用且實惠的產品。
Like all Rikulau products, stiffness and stability are the basic requirements. High quality tube processing and heat treatment are the must, but, no fancy CNC carving or hydroforming are applied to Audax Ti325 to make it a very practical and yet not costly choice.

※ Note: All measurements in millimeter (mm) except angle (degrees) and weight (grams)
The frame is designed for Flat Mount brake system. Converting to PM may result in interference of brake caliper with seat stay.
44 mm ID head tube for 1 1/2” - 1 1/8” fork steerer
Standard BSA threaded BB shell
12 mm through axle dropout
Tubing: Rikulau 3Al-2.5V titanium tube, butted
Top tube: 31.8 mm
Seat tube: 31.8 mm (for 27.2 mm seat post)
Down tube: 44 mm
Seat stay: 16 mm
Chainstay: 22.2mm
365 mm fork length ; Rake = 43 mm
Rack mount available
Tires: 700 x 28C
27.2 mm Seat post
Disc mount type: Flat mount
※ Note: Rikulau reserves the right to replace components with those of equal or higher value.