ili ili m3

※ Gravel bike 無法選擇塗裝 / Gravel bike series can't choose graphics.
M3 是以S32205 雙相不鏽鋼為基礎開發的無縫管材,瑞典在1930 年代開發出雙相不鏽鋼,它是由奧氏鐵(Austenite) 與鐵素體(Ferrite) 兩種不同結晶共同組成,這個材料被大量運用於高腐蝕性( 例如海水、酸性液體) 與高壓 (例如壓力容器) 的環境下。
M3 is made based on duplex stainless steel. The material was developed in Sweden in the 1930s. It has a microstructure consisting of both austenite and ferrite phases. The material is widely applied in highly corrosive (e.g. marine and acidic) and high pressure (e.g. pressure tanks) environment.
《縱橫阡陌 遨遊在我》縱橫車的出現,跨越了柏油公路與曠野山林的框架,化更多不可能為可能。非公路車、也非登山車,如同Gravel字面上所示,他擅長的是在碎石路段上的穩定操控性、減緩行駛於碎石路面傳來的震動,同時又能保有公路車的速度感。這是一台令人著迷的全新概念車款,適合你我的全功能車。
Gravel bike is not framed by the boundaries between paved and dirt surfaces. It crisscrosses the terrain without limits, and, brings the fun of riding to a different horizon.
Gravel bike is neither a road bike nor an MTB. As the word “gravel” implies, this bike is designed to have a comfortable and controlled ride on an unpaved or even a pothole filled city road. It is fancy, it is charming, and it is the bike for you and me.

※ Note: All measurements in millimeter (mm) except angle (degrees) and weight (grams)
Tubing:2205 stainless steel / 630 stainless steel (seat stay /chain stay)
Tube diameter:
Top Tube:30 mm
Seat Tube:31.8 mm
Down Tube:40 mm
Seat Stay:16 mm
Chain Stay:22.2 mm
Brake system: disc brake
Brake mount: left chainstay; flat mount
Headset: traditional press in
Seat post: 27.2 mm OD
Rackmount: seat stays and dropouts
Mudguard mount: seat stay bridge and chainstay bridge
Wheel locking: through axel 12 mm
Carbon fiber
Length: 400 mm; rake = 45 mm
Wheel locking: through axel 12 mm
Flat mount system
Mud guard mount and rack mount available
※ Note: Rikulau reserves the right to replace components with those of equal or higher value.